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Writer's picturePam Buchholz

Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

"I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me"

-Anna Quindlen

When I came across this beautiful quote in a blank journal I had bought, it spoke to me....and, I just knew that I wanted to put it with one of the gazillions of beach photos I have taken since moving to my Hatteras home - and to share it with you.

How many miles have I walked along beaches all over the world searching for the elusive answer to my quest to find the answers?....No, it's not a typo, I did mean to say the "answer to my quest to find the answers", I just knew that I needed to find the missing puzzle piece that would help me figure out what I truly needed to help me find the solutions to some questions that had been haunting me for years.....Why were there some mistakes I kept repeating? Why was I so restless? Why was I always searching for the next big "thing" for me to do? Why did I sometimes just get so sad? What did I really want to do with my life?.....

Now, being more of a realist, I wasn't expecting someone wonderful to "step out of the darkness", in fact if that had happened whilst I was alone with my thoughts on a dark beach, I would have most probably been freaked out!!!! So I knew the answer wouldn't be in the form of another person, because quite honestly, how would someone have all the answers to my questions, when they couldn't possibly understand the events that caused my anxieties, sadness, fears or frustration, loves and passions, couldn't possibly know how I truly secret hopes and fears....dreams and nightmares...Looking back now on those years of searching, it seems so startlingly obvious - That "person" was me 😊 The elusive answer was to get to know myself better, to reacquaint myself with the me that had gotten lost somewhere along the way.

The truth is, I did find my answer at the beach, as that is where I've always been able to just "be me". When I'm alone on the beach, listening to the ocean, my mind relaxes and "me" comes to the surface.... and only when this happens can I help myself.....I'm that missing puzzle piece 💗

This is not to say that I have all the answers to my challenges - far from it....I often need help and support along the way....and learning when, where and who to accept help and support from was a lesson I needed to learn too. Know, that it's ok to reach out and ask....We are all on this beautiful little blue planet of ours together and.....we are all in this incredible thing called "Life" together 🥰

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....don't be afraid to ask for help....and also don't be afraid to be the person that "helps" when asked

Love and Hugs,


PS It's hard to believe that the war in Ukraine is still raging on....and why it's so important to keep the people of this war-torn country in our thoughts and prayers 🙏

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Mar 29, 2022

Beautiful thoughts shared…..Thank you❤️


Unknown member
Mar 29, 2022

So very true. I need to remind myself often that it’s the journey that truly matters and that destinations are fluid. Change happens, opportunities come and go, but i am just a step away from the next stint in my quest (or journey). have a beautiful day!


Robin DiFabio
Robin DiFabio
Mar 29, 2022

Beautifully written ❤️


Debi Damas
Debi Damas
Mar 29, 2022

I so agree with you. We are often quick to try to look outside ourselves to find that answer, when, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we had the answers all along. Being able to quiet our minds long enough to let those surface is sometimes very hard to do. I feel like you are speaking about me sometimes when you post. I am thankful that you bring me the opportunity every day to reflect and re-center. My heart literally skips a beat when I see your email pop up in my inbox. Thank you, Pam. ❤️

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