Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊
Happy Palindrome Day - It's 2.2.22! Sounds like it could be a lucky day!
So, this time of year, as we know is a tad unpredictable.... after working around the inn until later in the afternoon yesterday, I actually spent an hour on the beach, sitting in the sun and it was absolutely beautiful, super warm, and sunny. The ocean was shimmering in the bright sun and the dolphins were swimming. Within that hour though, the clouds began to roll in, and the scene changed rather dramatically. The sky darkened and the ocean's mood changed...I put on my sweatshirt and sat a little longer - the impressive scene captivating me 💗
My Atlantic's Ocean Moods...
As I've written about often, the ocean is my sanctuary.... the place I go when I'm happy and enthused, feeling positive and strong, creative and inspired but it's also the place I want to be, when I'm sad, fearful or confused.
I can sit next to my ocean and immerse myself in the incredible natural beauty that surrounds me at the beach. Whilst the ocean doesn't solve my problems for me, this is the one place I can clear my head, be calm and begin to process what is troubling me.
But....very occasionally, sitting with my ocean is not enough...
Recently I've been struggling with a few challenges, that sitting by my beloved ocean didn't seem to be helping me resolve. Even my writing wasn't flowing as naturally as usual.... I began to rack my brain...."what was going on?" And more importantly, "what was I going to do about it??"....I was at a loss - and no answers were materializing...
Then, I remembered some time ago, before I lived in my beloved Hatteras home - I was struggling with some super, major decisions/challenges. I was so confused, so unhappy and couldn't seem to wrap my head around what my underlying problem was (this is a whole other blog, if I have time later today, I may write about and put on tomorrow's blog).
At that point in time, I was introduced to the concept of using a "labyrinth", and although I was a little skeptical, I was beginning to believe that maybe medication and seeing a therapist were not the answer. I had always believed that we know ourselves (or should definitely take the time to get to know) better than anyone else can ever know or understand. You just have to take the time to learn how to ask the right question and "Listen"
As an empath, I've always been a good listener of others, but hadn't really ever taken the time to listen to myself - Maybe it was time to learn how to listen...
Now, I'm sure some of you are probably thinking......"what on earth are you talking about?".
A "labyrinth" is a single winding path from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center. "Labyrinths" are used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, calm anxieties, recover balance in life, enhance creativity and encourage meditation, insight, self-reflection and stress reduction. You walk around the pathway to the center (it's not a maze), and when you reach the center, you'll find yourself calmer and your mind will become clearer. Labyrinths are about the journey, at least as much as the destination.
I was fortunate that I knew of a labyrinth that I could use....So, one quiet morning, I walked into the labyrinth and began to follow the path, walking towards the center, I started to clear my head of all thoughts, I listened to the natural sounds around me, I became more aware of my breathing, and with each step, mind became freer....and by the time I had reached the center I was so calm, my head completely clear.
........I was ready to ask myself the question that's answer had been alluding me...
and, as the wind stirred the surrounding trees, the answered was whispered to me...
I had the answer all the time, I just had to learn to listen to me, and trust myself.
As I walked slowly back out of the labyrinth, it was as if the puzzle pieces had all started to fall into place....and with this answer, I was able to move on.
Armed with this memory, I thought I needed a labyrinth!!!!
Great - now where would I find one of them close by, quite sure Hatteras didn't have one??? Should I lay one out in the grounds of the inn? (although, not sure all our guests would appreciate it 😁). But the answer was really simple, go the beach at low tide, and draw one in the hard packed sand - so that was my plan!
What I was thinking I would do....
This morning when I arrived on my beach just before sunrise, the tide was out, so my intention was to walk along the shoreline until I found a level area and draw out my labyrinth. No sitting in my usual contemplative spot for me today....
But as I walked along the edge of the water, I began just focusing on listening to the waves breaking on the shore, and I walked a little further, my mind began to clear, and I walked a little further, the weight on my shoulders started to lift, so I walked a little further, before I knew it, I had reached the edge of the village, and I walked a little further.....I kept walking until my head was completely free. I stopped to watch the sunrise and look at the amazing cloud formations....and asked myself "what do I need to do?" and my ocean whispered the answer to me 💗
As I walked back along the path (mine were the only footsteps in the sand - I had the entire beach to myself) I had taken, like my time in the labyrinth, years ago, my puzzle pieces began to fall into place....and a plan to deal with my challenges, began to form.
For me, it wasn't walking the actual physical labyrinth (although I still think it might be kind of cool to draw one on the beach or lay out one at the inn 😉). It was the process of walking.... and listening to nature, concentrating on the ocean waves breaking on the beach.... being able to completely switch off all of the "noise" and distractions in my head.
When you can learn how to really listen.... not only to nature (which will help you to tune out the "noise”) .... but to yourself, and to trust your insights, you might just find that you had the answers all along 💗
What about you? Are you struggling with challenges or indecision?
Although it might seem difficult to do, it's most definitely worth taking the time to learn a process for calming your mind, clearing your head and listening to what your heart and/or your gut instinct, is trying to tell you.... That You have the answers!
Until Next Time...
Take care, Stay Safe and....think about what it would take to clear your mind and maybe just resolve that question that's answer has been escaping you💗
Love and Hugs,
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I so love this post! You have a much more eloquent way of explaining what I call the "log jam in my head" I cannot think when that happens. I can feel when it starts to clear and little thoughts pop out here and there until I have a nice clear thought path. I love the idea of a labyrinth, and I think that would be a fantastic thing to add to the Inn. Guests come there to be by the sea and re-center. A labyrinth would definitely help with that. Thank you for your words today. You don't know how much I needed to hear them.