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Pam's Daily Wave...

Monday Morning Hatteras...

Good Morning and Welcome to a brand new shiny week from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

(Lots of pics this morning!!)

I thought you may like to start your week with this beautiful sunrise from Hatteras beach earlier this morning (although it was more than a tad chilly, and my poor fingers are still not quite thawed out, making typing a bit of a challenge!)

It's been a few days of extremes, when even here, we had a few flurries of snow, although not enough to stick. Chilly winds drove our temperatures lower, and there was plenty rain later on Saturday....but it is winter, so I do find it a little funny when people seem surprised that it's not warm and sunny everyday.

So many changes in weather produce some great (and fun) photos.....I thought I'd share a few from my weekend of contrasts 🥰

The pups getting some exercise in before the wintry weather arrives

The calm before the storm...

Bailey getting cozy during the storm...

Bodie was pooped after his run on the beach....

And Pumpkin decided this was the best place to be whilst the winds were howling outside!

If you look really, really, really may see the snow 😁

Sunday sights...

And the sun is back 😎

Bailey and Bodie glad to be back on the beach!!

The Promise of Monday Morning...

Dreams soar...

First Glimpse...

Atlantic Sunrises are just the best 🥰

Over My Shoulder....last look before heading back

And Back home to my Atlantic Inn 😊

And now that my fingers are working properly, I have some musings and meanderings from my weekend's writings that I need to get typed up.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....remember to take some "me time" during your busy week, you really do deserve it.

Love and Hugs,


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1 Comment

Jan Burris
Jan Burris
Jan 31, 2022

Great pics. I love your dogs running on the beach and know they LOVE it too! Such a happy, beautiful place for all to live.


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