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Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

Day 1 - Part I Hatteras to Raleigh Airport

Well, it's early morning and I'm grabbing a huge coffee to kickstart my adventure....

I didn't get much sleep last night - I never sleep the night before I travel, but the upside is that if I'm tired later, I may manage to get some sleep on my London flight tonight.

So, I'm all packed up and ready to go, just downloaded a new audible book for the drive to Raleigh (I love Audible when reading is not an option 😉), have double checked my "to do" list to make sure I haven't forgotten anything important, I even remembered to fill the gas tank and air-up Jake's tires (as I spend so much time on the beach, my tires are normally at 20psi and I only air-up if I'm driving beyond Avon!!).

Pumpkin giving Bodie a little kiss this morning....Bodie looks a tad uncomfortable with Pumpkin's affection "Mom - Aren't dogs supposed to chase cats ?"

The hardest part is leaving JB, Bailey, Bodie and Pumpkin.....even though it's only for 10 days! In our previous lives both JB and I travelled extensively all over the world, often on business, and usually on our own. So, for many years we were used to spending time apart, but, since buying the inn and moving to our beloved Hatteras home three years ago, apart from the times JB has travelled to Nebraska to be with his family, we are pretty much together 24/7.

For some couples that may not work, for us, it was definitely a bit of an that I'm happy to report has been successful 🥰

As both of us are natural introverts (yes I know it's hard to believe...) that have adapted to being out of our comfort zone thanks to our careers in leadership in clinical research, we both recognize that we need our own "me time". So although yes, we live, work and play together, we are also super cognizant of the need to give each other space and time to be on our own 💗which has been key to our success.

As I'm planning to write (lots) about my adventure, I've got a brand new journal to document my travels (and plenty pens!!), and I've also packed the notebook, where I keep all my notes for a book I'm in the process of you never know when inspiration may strike 😉

Last night, JB, Bailey, Bodie and I went to the beach to play before watching the sunset - it was so beautiful...even the pelicans and my dolphins came out to see me before I left for my adventure...💕(and the pups had an awesome time!)

For now, I'm going to sign off so I can hit the road, but will try to post a quick update and pics from the airport before my overnight flight to London.

Thanks again for joining me on this adventure...Speak with you soon!

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....Stay Tuned

- I think this may be fun 😉

Love and Hugs,


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5 comentaris

Claudia Hurd
Claudia Hurd
30 de gen. de 2023

Hope you have a comfortable flight and looking forward to more pictures and stories from your travels!


30 de gen. de 2023

Safe travels!


Leigh Hritz Webb
Leigh Hritz Webb
30 de gen. de 2023

Safe travels! Have the BEST time!


30 de gen. de 2023

Safe travels, Pam! Hope your trip is fabulous!


Debi Damas
Debi Damas
30 de gen. de 2023

Safe travels and happy adventures!

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