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Writer's picturePam Buchholz

Pam's Daily wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to Wednesday....and 3 more days until a brand-New Year 😊

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and are eagerly looking forward to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022!

I never really bother with taking panoramic pics as I feel they get distorted, but this scene was so beautiful, I wanted to capture as much as I could...and yes that's the moon in the middle of the pic!

This Morning's Sunrise...

Firstly, I must apologize for my lack of posts for the last few days, I’ve been a little “under the weather”, which, seeing as the actual weather here in Hatteras has been sunny and beautiful, has been rather frustrating.

When I set out on my "Daily Wave" adventure, putting my musings and meanderings out in a blog every day, I wanted to write honestly, and from my heart - the good, the bad and even the downright ugly 😊

Whilst the Holidays in general are a time for happiness and celebration with family and friends, they can also be a difficult time of the year for some….and this year, I’m no exception.

It’s a time when memories of Holidays past coming racing back…. echoes of times spent in special places, with special people can appear in your head with every decoration you hang on the tree….

and with the ever-present “On This Day 20….” starting to appear practically every day you open Facebook, showing some incredible moments from your past (and let’s face it we generally post happy pictures, keeping our sadder memories more private) – it can easily becomes a time you begin to reminisce and miss the ones that you can’t be with…..for whatever reason…..

All you know and feel is, that it leaves a little empty space in your heart, and you’re not quite sure how to fill it.

So I’m unsure as to what came first, feeling unwell, or feeling a tad sad, but one most certainly didn’t help the other.

On Christmas morning, JB joined me to watch the sunrise on the beach (he’s usually being super healthy and working out) ….it was so beautiful.

A Beautiful Christmas Sunrise

We weren’t back at the inn long when I felt really quite unwell and, to cut a long story short – I spent Christmas Day and the next couple of days in bed (and no, luckily it wasn’t Covid).

JB was so awesome, bringing me chamomile tea, and making sure I drank plenty of water.

So, feeling unwell and tired, the sadness that I had been feeling, just seemed that little bit deeper and the “missing” a little more painful…. add in some worrying - and you have a recipe for a potential meltdown. Noticing I was heading down a massive rabbit hole, I decided that instead of getting upset about who, where or what I missed or had lost, I should focus on what I have gained and achieved this past year.....and this is what I came up with:

  • We managed to turn around the fate of a century old inn from a tired shell of it's former self to a beautiful, renovated and restored inn, that now offers a wonderful sanctuary for those wanting to enjoy the incredible island of Hatteras

The Before and After 🥰

  • JB and I managed to transform from healthcare and clinical research professionals to "innkeepers", learning on the job so to speak. There's nothing quite like opening the doors of a new business, having never done anything remotely like that before, to get you up to speed quickly

  • I couldn't have imagined making so many new friends in our first year at "The Atlantic" or that within some of those new friends, are some exceptional people that have become close friends

  • Through the year, I got to hang out with so many super interesting people, and learned so much from them

  • The joy of seeing guests at the inn be so happy and relaxed

  • Having the opportunity to watch so many absolutely incredible sunrises

  • Discovering how awesome the restaurants are here on Hatteras Island - enjoying some of the freshest and deliciously prepared fish, I've ever tasted...and JB learning how to cook awesome fish seafood dishes

Some of JB's creations....

  • Spending time trying to improve my photography

  • So many barefoot walks on the beach with the pups

  • Watching my Atlantic ocean in all it's wonderous and often dramatic moods

  • Having fun attempting to learn to windsurf....still a work in progress

  • Taking boat rides with friends

  • Holding my first women's retreat at our own inn

  • Writing poetry for the first time

  • Putting my words into my photos, and creating a calendar out of them

So many other milestones....too many to mention...and way too many photos to post 😊

And then of course, there is "Pam's Daily Wave" - where I share some of my thoughts, musings and meanderings with you. This is one of my favorite things to do....I never thought I would "share" my writings with others, or that anyone would even be interested in taking the time to read them.....

But, over 90 blog posts later, I'm still writing... and many of you are still reading them - Thank you so much!!!! 😊

It's incredible how many people message and e-mail me directly to let me know that my "Daily Wave" has become part of their daily routine....mug of tea or coffee and read my blog. I absolutely love the thought that many of you are doing this....hopefully helping to make your day a little brighter, a little more thoughtful....a little more positive💗

With the close of 2021 approaching, and a brand new year full of potential just a couple of days away.....I'm turning my thoughts to what I can do to ensure my 2022 is as great as it can possibly be.

So much of how we feel, and what we achieve, is up to us and how we approach our own lives....I'm going to do everything I can to make 2022 an awesome year - Do you want to join me?

Until Next Time,

Take care, Stay Safe... and why not spend a little time thinking about Your accomplishments this year - I'm sure you will have many more than you realize 😊

Love and Hugs,


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1 Comment

Debi Damas
Debi Damas
Dec 29, 2021

I hope you are feeling better! And I am glad it was not COVID. I agree with you. We tend to look at what is missing rather that what we did or had accomplished. Of course, it is natural to focus on the missing. This is the first Christmas without my Mom and it was very hard, but I looked at how long I was honored to have her in my life and what she did for me, my sisters, and my family and that I know she is with me always. I have always called myself the "silver lining girl" as I will find one nugget of something positive in the worst of times. We do need t…

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