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Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to a new week from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

This morning wasn't one of those classic sunrises....the sun was hidden behind the clouds, and as I walked along the water's edge, I was reminded of the poem:

"the sun wakes up each morning

and she combs her fiery hair

and she sometimes holds the clouds aloft

so we don't see her there

she settles to her work

a never ending nine to five

and she ticks off all her jobs to do

like keeping the earth alive

she's busy every moment

working hard behind the scenes

but you tell her she does nothing

for you judge by what you've seen

you criticize the grey sky

and you curse the dampened day

you moan it's cold and dreary

and the sun's the one to blame

and it's only when she's setting

when she's off to work elsewhere

that you all a sudden recognize

the colors in her hair

see the saddest thing of all

is that she's been there all the time

but you fail to see her beauty

'til she's fading from the sky"

by Becky Hemsley

As you know if you follow my musings and meanderings, I love the sunrise regardless of the weather. Some of the most incredible sunrises are when the horizon is cloudy. But sunrise is so much more than just pretty photos - the sun breathes life into each and every day for all of us.....without it, our existence on earth would be no more.

Sunrise gives us a brand new day....a chance for new opportunities, new possibilities, new decisions - for me it signifies "beginnings"

But sunrise just happens......and we so expect it to happen, that we never really give it a second thought, the sun just does her thing, and we get on with our day.

This got me to thinking, (yes, my crazy little lady brain was at it again 😁), how many people do their jobs every day and never get any recognition....because some things "just happen".

How many people work super hard in jobs that we don't recognize.......Having worked in healthcare for many years, frequently I was thanked for the work I did, which always felt good, like you were making a difference - but have you ever thought about the infrastructure that supports your healthcare -the cleaner that works as many hours as they can get, as their salary is so low, the cook in the kitchen preparing the veggies for your meals - that let's face it, most people just complain about, the parking attendant that stands outside in all weathers for hours on end, ensuring your car is parked in the right place....I could fill pages with the people that work in jobs that we don't notice....because these things "just happen".

Throughout my career I always tried to recognize those that did the jobs that were easily overlooked. For me, their contribution was as significant, if not more so, than mine....because they ensured that all the things that I needed in place to do my job, were done.

As the new week begins, I would ask that you remember the people that are doing those jobs that are easily forgotten about, the ones that you probably don't even realize make your life easier, more convenient, your work life possible......and, if given the opportunity - Thank them💗

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....please don't take others for granted.

Love and Hugs,


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138 views2 comments


Jan Burris
Jan Burris
Feb 07, 2022

Perfect. Thank you, Pam.



Debi Damas
Debi Damas
Feb 07, 2022

Totally agree!!!!

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