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Writer's picturePam Buchholz

Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

Over the weekend, I took the opportunity to spend time looking at some of the information and statistics on my Atlantic Life website. Although the info is rather vague, it does give me a list of the states in the US, and the countries worldwide, that readers come from.... or should I say "log in" from.

I was hugely surprised by the number of people that have read my musings and meanderings...over 12,000 have logged into my "Daily Wave" on my website, since I started 4 months ago on Sept 14th, 2021.

This was from my original post:

Original Pic posted

Wave - Definition: To move one's hand in a greeting; A body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore; The motion of feelings or emotions passing over you.

"Pam's Daily Wave" is a simple message every may be a quote, a photo, a short piece of writing, a poem, a picture, a thought, a dream... musings and meanderings - my hope is that it will perhaps make you smile, reflect, contemplate or inspire you....maybe just make your day a tiny bit brighter😊

My intention was that if I made just one person's day brighter, more thoughtful, that would be enough for me to keep posting - I never dreamed that my words would reach so many people.

The second statistic that was a tad mind-blowing....

I had managed to reach at least one person in every state in the US....and many countries around the world. I was literally speechless......(yeah, I know, that doesn't happen very often!!!)

I love, love, love that my words reached every single state in the US, who would have thought that possible...and even though it may have been only one person, that didn't matter, that person took time out of their day to read my blog 💗

As to other countries.... readers in the UK I understand - I spent the first 30 years of my life in my homeland of Scotland (and my parents live there 😉), then another 10 years in England, but who would have thought that I would have reached:

Canada, US Virgin Islands, Mexico, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Israel, Netherlands, Singapore, France, Panama, Italy, Pakistan, The Philippines, South Africa, Bangladesh, Morocco, Austria, Malaysia, India, Antigua and Barbuda, Ukraine, Brazil, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Barbados

Who would have thought that people living in so many different locations, would be interested in reading the musings and meanderings of a small, Scottish woman, living in Hatteras, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina?

Now, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of the "how manys" - How many "clicks"? How many "comments"? How many "Likes" ....and to allow these to drive a strategy of what, and how you post. I'm not buying into that philosophy....and I certainly don't have a "strategy" for what I post, I'm just going with what I "feel" is right to post.

On more than a few occasions, I've heard from, or met people that are avid readers of my posts, but read them on "Facebook", and prefer to remain anonymous, they don't comment or like.... but they love my posts, and follow along every day.

These are the readers that are "hidden from view".... cannot be counted in any way.... but I know they are there, and I'm incredibly thankful and honored that you read my posts.

If I consider that for every one person that goes to my actual blog on my website and reads it, there is one person that reads on FB and doesn't click anything.... that would have been over 25,000 people reading my words and seeing my pics in only 4 months....I have trouble visualizing that many people 😊

So, is it disappointing when one of my posts according to the statistics, receives very little attention?

No, to me it doesn't matter how popular a post is.... as long as one person decides to read the machinations of my crazy little lady brain, and it provides them with a little brightness to their day, some comfort, inspiration, encouragement, makes them think a little deeper...or simply makes them smile....💗

And, whilst it's kind of incredible that with some words that flow from my head, heart and soul, through my pen, dancing across the pages... then (for the most part) is typed into my blog in its original (and often raw) detail...... I click on the "Publish" button and post a few links into FB....and suddenly - it becomes accessible to anyone across the states, or countries all around the world - it is as important, probably even more so, that the amazing people that live in my tiny home of Hatteras Village, and surrounding villages, enjoy my daily musings and meanderings.

So for now....I'll keep posting 😊

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....thanks for taking the time to read my blog💗

Love and Hugs,


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Debi Damas
Debi Damas

I usually read your blogs in the morning, but my day was a bit hectic, so I am just getting to it now. I hear the words in your Scottish accent (I listened to the audio version that you did early on) and feel like I am in conversation with you. This was the perfect way to end my day - with you!


Jan Burris
Jan Burris

So enjoyable to read and see your work. Great way to start the day. Thank you, Pam

jan burris


Leigh Hritz Webb
Leigh Hritz Webb

I was hoping for some pictures of the inn in the snow! Hopefully, you have a few to share. Keep posting!! 😊

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